Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing 5

Northern Mockingbird-eggs by West Coast Birding from

I loved Flickr! I have posted two of several of the pictures that I found to use in a lesson on symbols of Texas. I wanted my students to be able to do more than recite the state bird, flower, etc. I was able to get really interesting pictures of the state symbols to help students understand a little more about why these animals/plants/dishes represent Texas. I would like to use these symbols to create a mosaic in a later exercise.


  1. Love those photos! Technology in the classroom can be so exciting for students. Enjoy your journey through 23 things.

  2. when you add links to a blog post, you can also make words into hot links by highlighting the word and using the little chain link icon on the blog toolbar. Look at some of the blogs as you move thru the activities and see how links are incorporated in the text!
